Pollen analysis of peat partings from the gravel-sand deposits near the village Grygov


Eva Břízová, Petr Skupien, Marie Křížová

Geoscience Research Reports 44, 2011 (GRR for 2010), pages 57–61

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The paper presents results of a pollen analysis of fossil organic sediments of Grygov in the Olomouc region and reconstruction of vegetation. The organic material is present in the underlayer of sand and gravel filling the floodplain of the Morava River at a depth of 7.5-8 m. General pollen spectrum contained the wind-pollinated trees Pinus, Picea and Alnus. Other deciduous woods of the group Quercetum mixtum: Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia were important, too. The vegetation characteristics of this period was completed with climatically demanding plants sometimes designated "exotic" because they do not grow on our territory any more: genera Pterocarya, Ilex-type and ferns Osmunda cf. claytoniana. In this pollen spectrum pollen grains of woods typical of the Neogene also appeared, genera Carya. The grains may have originated from a small number of specimens surviving on this area from even warmer periods or an advance growth from not very remote refuges, or the grains may have been redeposited from older sediments. Wetland ecotypes around the river were still sporadically inhabited by Alnus and Salix. The basin margins were overgrown mainly with the species of the family Cyperaceae and grasses of the f. Poaceae, Typha latifolia, were also present too. An open water habitats were indicated by the genera Myriophyllum and Lemna cf. minor. The studied area was covered with rich mixed forests and alluvial forests.