Ilmenite from two-mica granites of the Klenov pluton


Miloš René

Geoscience Research Reports 46, 2013 (GRR for 2012), pages 224–227

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The Klenov pluton forms the NNE-SSW elongated magmatic body parallel to regional metamorphic fabrics of host rocks of the Moldanubian Zone. The pluton is located in the western flank of eastern part of the Moldanubian batholith. The principal rock types of the Klenov pluton are two-mica leucogranites of the Deštná (Klenov) type. The second granite type occurred in the Klenov pluton is partly older two-mic aporphyric granite, which is intruded by the Deštná (Klenov) granite. The main ore mineral occurring in these granites is ilmenite. Ilmenite from two-mica leucogranites of the Deštná type is enriched in Mn (up to 19.9 wt.% MnO), depleted in Mg (0-0.06 wt.% MgO) and Zn (0-0.19 wt.% ZnO). In hydrothermally affected granites ilmenite is partly altered in rutile. Ilmenite occurred in porphyric granite contain distinctly lower amount of Mn (2.9-4.3 wt.% MnO)