Contamination of weathered Melechovgranite


Václav Procházka, Miroslav Žáček, Dobroslav Matějka

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 134–139

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It has been shown previously (Procházka et al. 2011) that strongly weathered Melechovgranite (collected from the base of soil cap) is in comparison to the fresh rock significantly depleted in quartz, i.e. the most resistant major mineral. On the other hand it is not significantly depleted in Na or Ca. Thus the mineral and chemical composition of weathered rock is determined by solid-phase transport rather than water-rock chemical interaction. We show that the most probable mechanism explaining the relative depletion in quartz is transport of large amounts of slightly chemically weathered fine-grained material to lower soil horizons, which happened probably under absence of continuous organic horizon. The upper quartz-rich horizon was later eroded. Examples of vertical (but also horizontal) redistribution of fine-grained material are chemically determined contents of gold and silver, which firstly decrease but then increase with decreasing SiO2 and increasing Al203. Neither Au (whose content is generally high, up to 2.5 ppm) nor Ag have any correlation with other chemical or mineralogical indices of hydrothermal mineralization (including the rather scarce occurrence of gold in heavy-mineral concentrates). Significant contamination of heavy-mineral concentrates from weathered Melechovgranite by allochthonous material (pyroxenes, amphiboles, garnets), which cannot be explained by anthropogenic effects only, is another evidence for lateral material transport. In relatively fine-grained Lipnice granite (from outer part of the Melechov Massif), these indices of material redistribution are less pronounced, and importance of chemical weathering processes is relatively higher.


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