PanGeo - Detection of vertical terrain movements using satellite radar data


Jan Mišurec, Jan Jelének

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 69–73

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The results of processing satellite radar images using a Permanent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) method performed within the framework of the EC FP7 project PanGeo were combined with the existing datasets to detect potential and actual terrain movements and to interpret their reasons. The areas of terrain movements were defined by the polygon Ground Stability Layers which are available free of charge on the PanGeo project internet portal ( for 52 European cities. In the Czech Republic the analysis was performed within the area of Prague city and its wider surrounding and in the Upper Silesian basin. In Prague, most of the terrain instabilities observed by the PSI method are closely connected with the presence of instable quaternary sediments and anthropogenic landfills, whereas in case of Ostrava-Karviná region the most of terrain movements are caused by underground coal mining.


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