Magnetic fabrics (AMS) of the granitoids and gabbroic rocks of the Nasavrky Plutonic Complex, Železné hory Mts.


Štěpánka Mrázová, Karel Schulmann, František Hrouda, Marta Chlupáčová

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 23–27
Map sheets: Hlinsko (13-44)

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The Nasavrky Plutonic Complex crops out in the central and south-eastern parts of the Železné hory Mts. between two major lithological units: the Bohemicum or Barrandian s.l. at the north, and the Moldanubian at the south. The igneous complex appears as a polyphase intrusion of Variscan calc-alkaline granitoid and gabbroic magmas. The igneous complex is divided into three E-W trending lithological belts: southern belt of granodiorites (older and younger), central belt of gabbroic rock and northern belt of biotite granites. The fabrics of granitoids and gabbroic rocks were investigated by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS). The magnetic fabrics in the older granodiorite are generally very steep up to vertical and parallel to those in their mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) and were formed during the magma emplacement. The magnetic foliation in the younger granodiorite is very variable and different from the older granodiorite and the magnetic lineation is mostly very flat. The degree of AMS is low and corresponds to the magma flow. The fabrics of gabbroic rocks of the central belt are consistent with its E-W orientation with variable dips. The orientations of magnetic foliation and lineation in biotite granite of the northern belt are variable but predominantly steep. The biotite granite shows lower degree of AMS than the gabbroic rocks.


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