Malacostratigraphy of the Klentnice Brook floodplain near Pavlov (Protected Landscape Area/Biosphere Reserve Pálava)


Vojen Ložek

Geoscience Research Reports 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 79–81
Map sheets: Mikulov (34-14)

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The studied floodplain sediments were exposed at the eastern foot of the Pálava klippen zone at the margin of the Milovice Hills that are built of Egerian sand- and claystones covered by loess. They form the fill of a channel that was eroded in a flat loess cover grading into the broad floodplain of the Dyje River. Their lower unit consists of sandy loams with intercalations of rewashed loess, loams and dark chernozem material. The upper strata are more sandy and much paler. The whole sequence is laterally continuous with a typical chernozem soil derivates of which form also the topsoil of the floodplain. The malacofauna is dominated by open-ground and catholic species, woodland elements are poorly represented. Early Holocene species as well as modern immigrants are lacking, although the latter ones live in the surroundings. The number of aquatic elements increases towards the top, documenting the existence of small water bodies. The malacofaunal evidence demonstrates that the channel was formed and later filled up during the Epiatlantic and Subboreal periods in an open and largely cultivated landscape.