Isotope compositions of sulfur in sulfides, of carbon and oxygen in carbonates from mafic dike rocks in the Czech part of the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge area


Karel Žák, Miroslav Štemprok, František Holub, Ivana Jačková, Jiří Novák, František Veselovský

Geoscience Research Reports 34, 2001 (GRR for 2000), pages 111–114

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Carbon and sulfur contents as well as carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and sulfur isotope composition of sulfidic sulfur were determined in 8 samples of mafic dike rocks from the Krušné Hory/Erzgebirge area. The data together with the results of petrographic and mineralogical studies indicate that carbonates in all the examined rocks and sulfides in some of them were formed during hydrothermal alterations. However, subcrustal origin of sulfur in some mafic dike samples cannot be excluded.