Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Quaternary cover malacocoenoses of the slope movement area near Čeřeniště (the České středohoří Mts.)


Jaroslav Hlaváč

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 191–192

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Wide landslide area in the neovolcanic region in the vicinity of the Čeřeniště village of northly of Litoměřice (České středohoří Mts.) was subject to systematic malacozoological research. This research has contributed to the study of malacocoenoses development and recent state areas widely affected by landslides. These landslides are characterised by wide debris fields and flow formation in landslide scars. The whole area is covered by mixed forest with disseminated spruces and abundant herbal level which includes sensitive forest fauna species. The greatest development of these malacocoenoses can be found in debris of the main landslide scar but similar communities occur even in lower parts of the landslide area. On a swampy plateau of the lowest landslide field, depleted fauna of periodical stagnating waters has been found. This depleted fauna is represented by Anisus leucostoma and Galba truncatula. This periodical swamp was perhaps formed by condensation of water vapour during atmospheric flow through the debris. Systematical monitoring of the debris accumulations and their malacocoenoses, not only in the landslide area, but also in similar sites will be basis for compilation of a zonal habitation study of these typical locations.