Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Volcanostratigraphy and Geochemistry of the České středohoří Mts. basaltic rocks


Vladimír Cajz, Jaromír Ulrych, Kadosa Balogh, Miloš Lang

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 180–182

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The České středohoří Mts. is an erosional relict of the Cenozoic volcanosedimentary complex in the Ohře Rift. The geochemical investigation was used to test a new volcanological model. The following volcanostratigraphical formations of superficial volcanics were recognized: 1) the Lower Formation - lavas and volcanics of basanitic character (36-26 Ma, 12% norm. Ol; Mg=65-82, aver. 75; high contents of Cr, Ni, Co, Sc; common presence of lherzolite xenoloths; low 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7033128-0.703526; high 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512738-0.512849, Nd= +2.8 to + 4.8) corresponding to low-differentiated, only weakly crust-contaminated upper mantle products; 2) the Upper Formation - lavas and pyroclastics of trachybasaltic type (31-25 Ma, 2% norm. Ol: Mg=60-72, aver. 65; low contents of Cr, Ni, Co, Sc; lack of lherzolite xenoliths; higher 87Sr/86Sr = 0.704428-0.704649; lower 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512679-0.512742, Nd=+1.5 to + 2.6) representing differential and partly crust-contamined evolved products; 3) the probable Uppermost Formation - flow(s) of basanite (24 Ma) similar in geochemical characteristics to those of the Lower Formation. The Group 4) of the Late Miocene Intrusives (13 Ma) similar to those of the - Lower Formation (13 Ma, 16% norm. Ol; Mg=70-79, aver. 75; high contents of Cr, Ni, Co, Sc; somewhat higher 87Sr/86Sr = 0.703651 - 0.703761; somewhat lower 143 Nd/144 Nd = 0.512845 - 0.512847, Nd = +4.4 to + 4.3) primitive magma probably associated with rejuvenation of tectonic movements in the OR or pulsation of magmatic activity, was used for comparison.