Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

New occurrences of trachyte near Teplá in western Bohemia


Stanislav Vrána

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 84–85

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Inspection of two nearly circular erosional features near Teplá, western Bohemia, resulted in finding two trachyte plugs which belong to Neogene volcanic province. The trachyte near Dobrá Voda is 0.7 by 0.5 km in size (Fig. 1), the smaller plug near Kojšovice, 2 km NE of Toužim, is approximately 50 to 100 m in diameter (Fig. 2). Chemical analyses of trachyte from the new occurrences (Tab. 1) show very close similarity to the trachyte of the Špičák Hill, dated at 12.2 to 11.3 Ma by K-Ar method (PIVEC et al., in press). Independently, the trachyte plug near Dobrá Voda was discovered and studied by MRLINA et al. (1989), using geophysical methods.