Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Sediments of the Tertiary on the south margin of the Carboniferous Plzeň basin, Tertiary-Carboniferous boundary


Marcela Stárková, Jana Drábková

Geoscience Research Reports 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 39–40
Map sheets: Holýšov (21-22)

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Relics of Tertiary sediments in the south part of the Carboniferous Plzeň basin are developed as fluvial clastics with different grain size. There is vertical and lateral variability of the sediments, and erosional boundaries. These Neogene sediments represent channel fills of braided rivers and braid plains. Basal channel (50 m wide) at the boundary of the Tertiary and Carboniferous is observed at Chlumčany (kaolin mine). The tag deposits of this channel consist ofb oulders of cherts, metamorphosed cherts quartz and clayey matrix. These channel sediments are also preserved a few km north. Their base is found nearly 80 m lower. The reason should be tectonic movements after sedimentation or sedimentation in the environment of an alluvial fan.